![website picture](https://mruil.github.io/assets/img/profile_fig_v3.jpg)
Welcome to the website of Yang Liu! I am a third-year PhD student at King's Colledge London supervised by Prof. Sebastian Ourselin(first supervisor), Prof. Prokar Dasgupta(second supervisor) and Dr. Alejandro Granados Martinez(third supervisor). I received my Master's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2021, supervised by Prof. Xiang Bai. My research interests are medical video recognition, image segmentation, image generation, etc.
· 2024.10.02
One paper is accepted by Medical Image Analysis. (LoViT: Long Video Transformer for Surgical Phase Recognition. Yang Liu, Maxence Boels, Luis C. Garcia-Peraza-Herrera, Tom Vercauteren, Prokar Dasgupta, Alejandro Granados, and Sebastien Ourselin) Link
· 2024.05
One paper is accepted by ISBI (as the last and corresponding author). (Gray Matter-Guided Attention Network for AD Diagnosis Using Structural MRI. Yanteng Zhang, Hongshun Cai, Yiming Du, Bingchao Xu, Yang Liu*) Link
· 2024.03
One paper is released to Arxiv (as co-first and corresponding author). (DDSB: An Unsupervised and Training-free Method for Phase Detection in Echocardiography. Zhenyu Bu*, Yang Liu*†, Jiayu Huo, Jingjing Peng, Kaini Wang, Guangquan Zhou, Rachel Sparks, Prokar Dasgupta, Alejandro Granados, Sebastien Ourselin) Link
· 2024.03
One paper is released to Arxiv (as co-first and corresponding author). (Rethinking Low-quality Optical Flow in Unsupervised Surgical Instrument Segmentation. Peiran Wu*, Yang Liu*†, Jiayu Huo, Gongyu Zhang, Christos Bergeles, Rachel Sparks, Prokar Dasgupta, Alejandro Granados, Sebastien Ourselin) Link
· 2024.02
One paper is released to Arxiv. (ArcSin: Adaptive ranged cosine Similarity injected noise for Language-Driven Visual Tasks. Yang Liu, Xiaomin Yu, Gongyu Zhang, Zhen Zhu, Christos Bergeles, Prokar Dasgupta, Alejandro Granados, and Sebastien Ourselin) Link
· 2023.07
One paper is accepted by ICCV 2023. (SKiT: a Fast Key Information Video Transformer for Online Surgical Phase Recognition. Yang Liu, Jiayu Huo, Jingjing Peng, Rachel Sparks, Prokar Dasgupta, Alejandro Granados, and Sebastien Ourselin) Link
· 2023.05
One paper is released to Arxiv (under review). (LoViT: Long Video Transformer for Surgical Phase Recognition. Yang Liu, Maxence Boels, Luis C. Garcia-Peraza-Herrera, Tom Vercauteren, Prokar Dasgupta, Alejandro Granados, and Sebastien Ourselin) Link
· 2022.09
Our team CTRL won the 1st place on MICCCAI 2022 ATLAS Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation Challenge. Link
· 2021.10
Arrived at London and began the Ph.D student life at KCL.
· 2021.06
Completed the thesis defense and received a master's degree.
· 2021.04
Internship started at Education department of ByteDance, working as a computer vision algorithm engineer.
· 2020.11
One paper is accepted by WACV 2021.
· 2020.02
One paper is accepted by CVPR 2020.